Reconnect to your soul.

You are here to experience

a life full of meaning, ease, love and joy

so you can share your unique soul gifts with our communities!

Our modern way of living teaches us that our worthiness is tied to our productivity and how much we can sacrifice ourselves for others. Many of us have stopped taking care of ourselves all together in the name of “love” for our loved ones, our communities, or our careers. 

As a result, we are trapped in deeply-rooted repetitive patterns of struggle. We feel exhausted, resentful, confused, angry, disconnected, lost, anxious, depressed, hopeless, alone, burned out, numb, or a deep sense of purposelessness.

There is nothing wrong with you that you are feeling this way.

Our culture has guided us away from our true nature. It has taught us to reward and normalize the struggle, regardless of how it feels in our bodies. This cycle keeps us disconnected from our soul’s purpose. 

Book your session to come home to yourself.

Experience a Session





Receive deep rest and relaxation while I tune into your physical, emotional, mental spiritual and energetic body to discover what is wanting to be released, healed, held, balanced, aligned and restored.

You listen to music, breathe and receive. I share the ancient Japanese healing modality of reiki and any messages coming through from your spiritual team. We conclude with time to reflect and process.

Supportive for:

  • healing insomnia, physical pain/tension/disease, exhaustion, grief, burnout, anxiety, depression, and other emotional stress

  • slowing down the mind

  • pausing the talking, solving and working so your system can integrate your inner work

  • receiving restorative rest

  • coming back home to your physical body

  • reconnecting to your intuition, creativity and higher power

Walk Away Feeling:

calm, relaxed, held, loved, replenished, supported, balanced, hopeful, light

Human Design


Based on your birth data, discover your energetic type, how your intuition speaks to you and what soul gifts and superpowers you are here to embody and share with the world!

Learn a step-by-step process, specific to your Human Design chart, for increasing your magnetism, aligning with your soul’s purpose and creating more ease and flow in your life.

Supportive for:

  • healing burnout, purposelessness, resentment, bitterness, frustration, anger, disappointment, overwhelm

  • developing your unique, intuitive, decision-making process

  • deepening self-awareness, self-trust and self-acceptance

  • identifying the cultural conditioning that has been holding you back

  • embracing and cultivating your unique soul gifts and superpowers

  • parenting tips about your child’s soul gifts and aligned decision-making process.

Walk Away Feeling:

seen, held, celebrated, clear, inspired, hopeful, empowered, liberated

 The system is broken - not you. 

YOU are the deep-feeler and highly-sensitive force of nature that our collective needs most.

You have unique, beautiful, powerful gifts to share, but you cannot embody your soul’s purpose while you are running on empty autopilot or being consumed with inner turmoil.

Hi, I’m Kathryn

I’m an intuitive healer who is certified as a reiki III practitioner, human design reader and life coach. I’ve guided dozens of intuitive souls, just like you, to reconnect to their inner wisdom as their compass for healing and living a vibrant, soul-led life.

As a survivor of the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, I prioritized my own healing for 3+ years before stepping into my calling to be a healer for others.

I was finally able to break my cycles of anxiety, depression and burnout from my 20+ years in the entertainment industry and unresolved family trauma. I now practice consistent self-care and embodying my human design to empower my intuition to guide me through a life full of more joy, ease, creativity, connection, beauty, meaning and freedom.

I am very passionate about sharing what I’ve learned with anyone who is seeking a deeper connection to their own inner peace, true nature and soul’s purpose.

You’re invited to experience a session with me, virtually or at my home studio in East Nashville.

Embody MORE of the Life Your Soul Came Here to Experience!

We cannot become ourselves by ourselves. Let’s get you reconnected to your inner wisdom, inner peace and soul’s purpose!

Session Pricing

$88-$222 - Human Design Insights

$150 - Intuitive Guidance

$88-$150 - Reiki


  • Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is an ancient Japanese energy healing modality. “Rei” means divinely guided and “ki” means life force energy. Imbalances or blocks in your personal energy body are experienced as dis-ease in your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. I channel loving life force energy to go wherever is divinely guided for your highest good and deepest healing to restore balance to your physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual being. Your system also switches from “fight, flight, freeze, fawn” into “rest, digest, heal, create” so it can self-heal.

  • Read all about what energy healing with me looks like at the bottom of this blog post.

  • Yes! I was a skeptic myself when I first began this journey! Virtual reiki is a similar experience to feeling loved by someone when they are not in the same physical room as you.

    Benefits of Distance/Virtual Reiki:

    You can receive in the comfort of your own sacred space at home without giving time to a commute (I will give you guidance for preparing your space). You can allow yourself as much time immediately after the session as you’d like to integrate before jumping back into daily life or a car. I often receive more messages from your Spirit Team when we connect through time and space in this way. And, obviously, you can receive from anywhere in the world that has internet!

  • Human Design is a tool for healing and expansion that gives you an energetic blueprint of the natural gifts your soul came here to share in this lifetime based on the date, time and location of your birth.

    Your HD chart gives you a deeper understanding of how you interact energetically with others, how you best learn and share, how your intuition works, the cultural conditioning you’re here to unlearn, your soul’s purpose and so much more!

    This is a tool created in the 90s and it incorporates ancient the ancient teachings of western astrology, the chakra system, a Chinese divination system, and the Kabbala tree of life. Its creator calls it “the science of differentiation” because it celebrates how you are unique! And how are differences are all deeply needed for the evolution of our collective.

    This tool has been exceptionally powerful for me in deepening my self-acceptance/self-love and truly claiming my unique gifts to more boldly share them with others.

  • You’re welcome to show up just as you are with zero preparation! You will also receive an email with a few suggestions to deepen your practice.

  • Most of my clients have had or are currently in therapy while they work with me. The dynamic between us is very different - I am practicing right alongside you and openly share my personal journey. I guide you to listen to your own inner wisdom as your compass at all times, while also sharing options for small, tangible steps you can take after session. You can read more about how coaching is different than therapy in this blog post.

  • I believe that we each have a team dedicated to our highest good and deepest healing in the spiritual realm guiding and supporting us, always.

    This can be a loving higher power of any kind, angels, spirit guides, spirit animals, loved ones or ancestors we have never met. I often receive messages from your Spirit Team during reiki that I can share if you wish to receive.

    Reiki can be a spiritual practice, but it does not have to be. You get to choose if it is an element of our work together.

    I grew up Catholic, but study Buddhist practices in my meditation group while considering myself spiritual as opposed to religious.

    I tend to use the words Universe, Spirit, Source, Life Force Energy or Love rather than the word God, but we can establish whatever vocabulary feels best in your body!

  • Every client has unique needs during different seasons of their healing journey. Trust yourself.

    Immediate shifts can be felt from one session.

    I recommend a cadence of sessions based on our first session.

    Generally speaking, reiki once a month for four months will give you a well-rounded experience of how reiki benefits your specific system.

    I suggest at least two weeks between human design sessions so you have time to explore and integrate what you’ve learned before going deeper.

    My mentorship clients start with one month, experience immediate shifts and extend month-to-month based on their needs. Clients experiencing the most dramatic transformation have worked with me for a year or more.

Are you ready to thrive?

I am here to guide you to trust yourself on your unique path to becoming more of YOU. My human design gifts include being able to intuitively know what you need to break unhealthy cycles and receive the exact support that resonates with you to align with success!